秒速5センチメートル: アチェインオブショートストリーズアバウトゼアディスタンス 5 Centimeters Per Second: a chain of short stories about their distance
I watched this the other day at my friends house, and seriously, the idea's that are put into kids heads these days.
Long story short its about a kid who wants to reunite with her child hood sweet heart.
School seperated them, they kept in touch, and now they are gonna go to each other and meet.
The kid boards a train, and leaves. He gets caught in a blizzard and is delayed hours and hours. All the while we get a long monologue of how dramatic his life is and how he met the girl. Of course we are supposed to get a sense of how chivalrous our manly this guy is suppose to be, traveling half way across the country to see a girl... where have we heard that from?
Anyways the girl ends up waiting for him, then they visit a shack and watch the stars under a blanket and the motherfucking KISS... thats right kids, they KISS. Climax of the movie right there.
I suppose i should say something about the letters that they never exchange, or about how at the end they accept that their distance will seperate them etc etc etc cuz they are important themes to the movie, but to be honest I don't care too much for this film or this genre in particular.
The idea's presented here are idealistic, too idealistic. In fact its cheesy beyond words, and is probably intended for girls... or really really emotional people. I'm sorry y'all but any of you guys watching this over the age of 15, you guys need some help, because you are some fucked up fucks you know that.
Don't go about treating girls like this guy does in the film, you don't look like a nice guy, you just look like a fucking fag.
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