Sunday, May 1, 2011

Grand Fantasia

This a game made by Aeria, another one of those companies who's sole intent is to get out there and make you spend your money, meanwhile advertising as a FREE GAME.

Anyways lets get down to the basics.

You get to play as 4 different branches of classes, and each branch again into two specializations.

Pretty good if you ask me, 8 is a good number of classes, and each with unique abilities and strengths. The game play is pretty smooth, the system is straightforward. It is fun and addicting also, so overall besides the real lack of crazy animations and effects, the system is really good.

That however is only half the adventure. The little things in this game are a piece of shit. Firstly the tiered money system, basically this means you have coppers, and 100 of those make a silver, and 100 of those make a gold. Its like Harry Potter in a sense. This is not only stupid but unnecessary. And my main issue with this game that just totally sucks the life out of it is the Upgrading and Crafting system, which is getting more and more prevalent in RPG's. Who the fuck thought of this, and why the fuck did the asshole make it so hard to pull this bullshit in this game?

You have little pets in a sense called Sprites (REAL CREATIVE THERE). Who basically collect shit for you, and craft weapons and armour for you. In exchange you have to feed it cookies and snacks, and talk to it, kinda like a Tamogachi (probably the best analogy I've heard from people). It's like raising a pet, and in return for your love it helps you collect things and enhance your game... EXCEPT NOT. This is the most fucked up system I've ever seen. There have been times when I literally wanted to tear out my own hair and eat all of it because of the crafting. The little fucks always seem to fuck up and waste your precious materials when they craft at the worst possible times. Not only do they fuck up your shit, eat at your money, they fucking start QQing and complain, and then you have to feed it more cookies to shut it up. What kind of a system is that?! You should be able to beat the shit out of these miserable little fucks for fucking up your items.

And next there is the upgrade system, and my god is it horrible. Your chance of over upgrade (in most games its usually +7 and above, in this one its +5 only) is literally 0 without risking some damage to your equipment, and by damage I mean permanent durability damage. For those of you who have no clue what this means, I don't know why you bother reading this, and for those who do, this game is honestly the worst at maintaining durability. Some games make you lose 1 dura for every 1000 enemies you kill, this is not that bad in this game, dura doesnt drop very fast, but you lose a max of 10% per death on all equipment, and fixing anything has a chance of reducing total durability by 10% total per piece of equipment... What the shit is that?! The percentage is 10% but factoring in you have maybe 5/6 pieces on at once your chance of getting out unscathed is 50-60 percent. And that's not including your weapons.

Overall it's concept is really smart. The art style, the graphics, the ideas, even the music is nice sometimes. But to be honest it is totally butchered by the shitty upgrade system and other small things.

This piece of shit game could be good, but only with some major over hauls in certain areas.

Also games that advertise themselves as FREE but cripple/restrict players forcing them to spend money should be illegal. It is honestly the biggest piece of shit system I have ever seen. If you are gonna be a pay as you go game, or by subscription, you should go all out like Aion or WoW. But advertising as free, and putting in this whole cash shop bullshit is absolutely unacceptable. Shame on you Aeria, you're just as bad as Nexon now you piece of shit.

This game gets a 5/10. Could have been good... key word... could have.

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